You only have one body, let us help you look after it and be the best you can be!

Our style of physiotherapy encompasses a whole-body approach, focusing on you the client, with longer appointment times and the same experienced physio every time. Remind yourself that your health is your wealth and nothing will be more important than getting that back. Let us help you get out of pain, move better, feel better & achieve more.

Move well. Move often.


Physiotherapy: ACC provider & private consultations

SFMA – is our clinical assessment for those who experience pain. It is a movement based diagnostic system which systematically finds the cause of pain – not just the source – by logically breaking down dysfunctional movement patterns in a structured, repeatable assessment.

Functional movement screen – The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. Your journey into movement begins here. Movement is the universal language of human expression. Understanding the how and why of moving well helps us aspire to move often.

Personal training; One on one programme set up and monitoring to get you confidently back to the gym, box, sports field etc.

Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT)

Mckenzie Assessment and treatment

Strength & conditioning

Post-op (operation) rehabilitation

Acupuncture/Dry needling


Your initial assessment will take 45-60mins, one on one assessment and treatment session with the same experienced physio every time. Longer Treatment times ensures more comprehensive assessment and time for you to ask questions and talk to the physio to make sure you reach your goals and achieve a whole new level of function and unlock your potential.

We can incorporate the FMS after you have recovered from your injury, pain or surgery. Helping you get back to feeling better than you have in a long time and achieving your potential.

  • Spinal pain and injury
  • Sciatica
  • Hip pain
  • Neck pain
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain/rotator cuff injury
  • Golfers/tennis elbow
  • Hamstring injuries
  • ITB pain
  • Post op Rehabilitation
  • plus so much more!

Originally from Wales, Rachael graduated from the Welsh College of Medicine in 2000 with a Batchelor’s (Honours) Degree in Physiotherapy. Rachael spent 2 years in the NHS and private practice in the UK before travelling for the second time to Australasia. Over the past 18 years Rachael has worked in three different countries; United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist.

In 2007 Rachael moved to Australia’s Gold Coast and worked at the renowned clinic PhysioMax, where she worked alongside an amazing Professor of physiotherapy and international spinal surgeon gaining in-depth knowledge of spinal injuries, spinal surgery, pre-and post-op rehabilitation of TDR (Total Disc Replacements) and ALIF (Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusions). In Australia, she also gained her PGC in Spinal Therapy.

In 2009 Rachael became a REPS (registered exercise professional) Personal Trainer. This and her passion for health and fitness complimented her primary vocation as a Physiotherapist. Over the past 2 years, Rachael has become certified in FMS 1 & 2 and SFMA. Rachael has incorporated this into the way she treats and rehabilitates her clients back to their pre-injury levels and beyond.

After a jam-packed 18 years as a physiotherapist, Rachael has gained experience and knowledge from many countries and is passionate about helping you get back to life after injury. She is also wanting to help you unlock the potential your body has in everyday life and exercise, that you may still have not achieved. She now feels this is the perfect time to set up her own clinic and offer a caring, whole-body approach to your injury management and rehabilitation, helping you return to the life you want to lead.

It is my passion to help you feel better & get you back to the best version of yourself